LOGIX FiberPulse Accelerated Business

How to Determine Your Needs for Business Phone in 2022

A lot has changed in the past few years. The way employees work and communicate with customers (and each other) has evolved. Is your business phone service keeping up?

As you start your planning for 2022, it might be a good time to take a look at your business phone service and make sure that it matches how you conduct business.

What do you need in a business phone service in 2022? Here are some of the things you should look for:

  • Business phone numbers and features that travel with you wherever you work.
  • Unlimited calling.
  • Advanced calling features.
  • Integration with apps.
  • Fixed monthly costs with no surprises.

Your biggest consideration, however, should be reliability. A phone service that goes down regularly causes a chain reaction. Employee productivity plummets. Customers get frustrated. Imagine what customers would think if they called your number and heard a message that the line has been disconnected – they may think that you have gone out of business.

It can hurt your reputation and cost you money.

Ninety-eight percent of organizations report that one hour of information technology downtime costs on average more than $100,000. Gartner put the figure at $5,600 per minute. Only the most reliable business phone service will do the job.

LOGIX Fiber Networks operates the largest independent fiber network in Texas and is the most reliable business phone service provider. You can choose from a full range of options with dedicated and secure connections and 99.999% uptime to provide the highest quality of business phone service.

Should You Replace Your Business Phone Service?

Another question businesses are asking going into 2022 is whether they should replace their business phone system.

If you are still using the phone company for business phone service, the answer is an unqualified yes. Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) can save you money while upgrading your capabilities.

VoIP lets you place and receive phone calls from anywhere that you have an internet connection. You are no longer tethered to a phone receiver sitting at a desk. Your work phone goes with you wherever you are working, making it easier for customers and colleagues to reach you.

VoIP is also helpful in case of business interruptions, such as a fire, tornado, hurricane or even a pandemic. Because you have full access to your business phone system, you can continue to operate without missing a beat.

VoIP lets you scale quickly to add service as your business grows. Whether you have a handful of users or tens of thousands, you can add users and make changes without having to perform any hardware upgrades.

By eliminating usage fees, taxes and long-distance costs, you can significantly reduce the cost of operating your business phone service.

LOGIX Business Voice phone service provides high-quality calling on a reliable internet network. You can use your existing handsets; add soft clients (apps) to your desktop, laptops, phones and mobile devices; or add IP phones. LOGIX provides 24/7 year-round Texas-based customer support and monitoring at a Texas-based network operations center.

Should You Replace Your On-Premises PBX?

If you are still using an on-premises private branch exchange (PBX) for your business phone service, it is time to switch to a cloud-hosted PBX.

With a cloud-hosted PBX, you can extend your business phone service to every employee regardless of where they work. If they work from home, on the road or as part of a distributed workforce, they will all get the same advanced calling features as if they were working in the office. Because you can add apps to mobile devices, they can also make calls from their desktop, laptop, smartphone or other connected devices.

LOGIX Business Voice Cloud provides a full-featured, cloud-hosted PBX that integrates with your customer relationship management tool and other productivity apps to give you a comprehensive solution to your communication needs. Cloud-hosted PBX also reduces the amount of time that your IT team or engineers spend dealing with your phone service. Your business phone service provider handles maintenance and upgrades, which frees up time to focus on your core business.

Do Your Current Business Phone Provider and Business Phone Service Meet Your Needs?

Ultimately, now is a good time to evaluate your current and future business needs. As the way you communicate and interact with customers and employees evolves, you should have a business phone service that complements your business and grows along with you.

A reliable, scalable and adaptable business phone service can meet your needs in 2022 and beyond. Contact LOGIX Fiber Networks to discuss your requirements or request a quote.

LOGIX Network Operations Center (NOC) continues to monitor Beryl's impacts to maintain services for our customers in the impacted regions and to act quickly to restore services as needed. To report any service interruptions please submit a ticket via theLOGIX Customer Portal