LOGIX FiberPulse Accelerated Business

The Most Reliable Business Phone Service Providers in Dallas / Fort Worth, Austin, San Antonio and Houston

In the age of the internet and always-connected mobile devices, one thing has not changed – customers still want to talk to someone on the phone. Even with multiple ways to contact businesses, 65% of customers say they prefer to contact a business by phone.

Missed calls equal missed sales.

You need a reliable business phone service to power your business and make sure that you connect with your customers whenever and wherever you want.

In the past, getting reliable business phone service depended on the local phone company, but those days are long gone. Today, LOGIX provides the most reliable business phone service in Dallas/Fort Worth, Austin, San Antonio and Houston. As a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) service provider in Texas, LOGIX offers enterprise-class voice solutions for businesses of all sizes, with service-level agreements that guarantee 99.999% uptime.

Switching Business Phone Service Providers

Switching business phone service providers is easier than you think. With LOGIX Business Voice phone service, you do not have to change your phone system equipment; you can keep what you already have in place. If you need to add new phone lines, you can add internet-enabled phones or softphone apps to your desktop computer, laptops or mobile devices.

When upgrading to VoIP from LOGIX, you avoid expensive copper lines from the phone company or unreliable coax lines from the local cable company. Using fiber, you get the most dependable and reliable business phone service available — backed by 24/7 year-round Texas-based customer support and network operations center monitoring.

The Benefits of Working with a VoIP Service Provider

Businesses in Dallas/Fort Worth, Austin, San Antonio and Houston that opted to work with a VoIP service provider and make the switch to VoIP saw significant benefits right away.

Cost Savings

Most customers see their total cost of ownership drop by 50%. Some see even bigger savings.

If the cost savings are not enough of an incentive to switch to a VoIP service provider, there are plenty of other benefits, including advanced calling features.

Advanced Calling Features

With LOGIX Business Voice Phone, you get the same kind of advanced features that used to be reserved for only the largest businesses, including:

  • Unlimited domestic long-distance calling.
  • Auto-attendant.
  • Call forwarding.
  • Three-way calling.
  • Caller ID.
  • Voicemail and voicemail to text.
  • Custom hold music.
  • Call recording.
  • Call waiting.
  • Hold/transfer/call forwarding.
  • Simultaneous and sequential ringing.
  • Extension dialing.
  • Enhanced 911 service.

You also get voice and videoconferencing, messaging, presence and other tools to make collaboration easy.

Another big benefit of LOGIX Business Voice phone service is mobility.


Gartner estimates that by the end of 2021, nearly one-third of all employees worldwide will be working remotely or splitting their time between home and office. For those employees classified as knowledge workers in the U.S., the number of employees working remotely jumps to 51%.

With remote workers and an increasingly distributed workforce, you need a business phone service that is reliable and mobile.

When you sign up for service, you can download an app and take your business with you wherever you go. Remote workers or hybrid work/home employees can use one phone number but make or answer calls wherever they are.

More Reliability, Less Maintenance

If you are still using the local phone company for your business phone service, you may already know how expensive and time-consuming it can be when there is a problem. If there is a service outage, a technician may have to come on-site to repair it, and charge an hourly rate to do so.

LOGIX Business Voice is monitored 24/7 year-round for reliability and performance, which eliminates many of the problems you may have experienced in the past. LOGIX technicians handle problems remotely at no additional cost.

A hosted PBX

A hosted private branch exchange (PBX) avoids the cost of maintaining, updating and managing an on-site PBX. Many companies choose to eliminate an on-site PBX altogether and deploy a cloud-hosted PBX. With a hosted PBX, your business phone service provider will take care of maintenance and upgrades, freeing up your IT or engineering teams.

If you need to scale your business, a hosted PBX lets you add or delete phone lines as your business needs change. Because you only pay for what you are currently using, you do not need to buy extra capacity, or pay for resources that you may never use.

To see more reasons why companies are moving their business phone service to the cloud, download our executive report, “Top 10 Reasons Why Businesses Are Choosing Phone Service in the Cloud.”

For the most reliable business phone service in Texas, talk to the team at LOGIX Fiber Networks. Call 281-688-6231, or request a quote online.

LOGIX Network Operations Center (NOC) continues to monitor Beryl's impacts to maintain services for our customers in the impacted regions and to act quickly to restore services as needed. To report any service interruptions please submit a ticket via theLOGIX Customer Portal