LOGIX FiberPulse Accelerated Business

Why Dedicated Fiber Internet is Critical for Real Estate Offices

In our digital world, real estate agents and brokers do more business online than ever before. A fast, reliable and secure dedicated fiber internet connection enables real estate offices to conduct business and stay connected.

For real estate offices in Dallas, Fort Worth, Austin, San Antonio and Houston, dedicated fiber internet offers:

  • Security for sensitive, proprietary and confidential data.
  • Direct internet connectivity with no sharing, even during peak times.
  • Consistent, symmetrical speeds for uploads and downloads.
  • Smooth business voice and video communication.
  • Availability, continuity and productivity.
  • Scalability to handle business growth.

Data Security

Real estate agents and brokers have a fiduciary obligation when entering into an agency relationship with a buyer or seller. The National Association of Realtors Code of Ethics acknowledges the obligation that real estate offices have to protect the confidentiality of client and agency data. Data security is increasingly more important given the growing threat of identity theft, especially the potential impact that this crime can have on people trying to buy or rent homes and apartments.

Real estate offices also have access to personally identifiable information, including financial data and banking records. While there is currently no comprehensive federal data privacy law, there is a patchwork of state laws and industry best practices that you should follow to secure client data. Dedicated fiber creates a private connection to the internet that reduces the risk of data breaches.

The best way to counter security threats and maintain the highest levels of performance is to use dedicated fiber internet. You can also add necessary security controls such as SD-WAN and next-generation firewalls (NGFW) as part of a Secure Access Security Edge (SASE) solution.

Direct Connectivity, Consistent Symmetrical Speeds

Business internet providers deploying dedicated fiber create a direct connection to the internet. This means that you get high-speed access with the same (symmetrical) upload and download speeds. When you choose LOGIX Fiber Networks for your dedicated fiber internet, you will not be sharing your connection.

LOGIX monitors internet connections 24/7 year-round from a Texas-based Network Operations Center (NOC). If there are security or performance issues, local technicians are on standby to fix the problem. LOGIX provides reliable dedicated business internet with a 99.999% uptime performance guarantee.

Voice and Video

Business internet providers that offer dedicated fiber provide the best connectivity for business phone and videoconferencing. A reliable phone and video solution is essential when agents are talking to buyers, sellers, contractors and others. Dedicated fiber internet for business provides low latency, which means that your calls are less prone to disruption, packet loss, jitter or lag.

For real-time communications, a business internet provider that offers dedicated fiber is your best choice for smooth communication.

Availability, Continuity and Productivity

Real estate offices need communication tools and the internet to access customer and market information, often across multiple branches and offices. Dedicated fiber internet provides both availability and continuity.

Fiber also allows you to leverage cloud-based applications to improve productivity.

Also, since real estate agents are often working remotely or on the go, dedicated fiber connectivity allows them to connect with company networks and take advantage of enhanced security, regardless of their location.


Dedicated fiber scales easily. So when your real estate business grows, you can quickly expand your capacity. You can usually add additional bandwidth or higher speeds with a simple phone call, with no additional equipment to install.

When Searching for “Business Fiber Internet Providers in My Area”

Searching online for “business fiber internet providers in my area” may yield multiple choices. In Dallas-Fort Worth, Houston, Austin and San Antonio, the best choice is LOGIX Fiber Networks.

LOGIX has more than 300,000 fiber miles throughout Texas and connections to more than 10,000 businesses and more than 600 real estate customers. LOGIX also provides fiber connections to nearly 80+ third party data centers and 3,000 enterprise buildings. As the largest independent fiber network in Texas, LOGIX provides fast, reliable and secure connectivity.

There is also a significant advantage for Texas real estate offices in working with LOGIX. You get exceptional and fast service from LOGIX employees across all stages of design, installation, management, and customer support. You get cutting-edge technology from friendly people based right here in Texas.

For real estate offices, LOGIX provides fiber internet, phone, and connectivity solutions to manage your business efficiently and support your business goals.

Are you looking for business internet providers in your area that can provide highly secure, dedicated fiber internet to your real estate office? Contact us today to request a quote.

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