LOGIX FiberPulse Accelerated Business

How LOGIX Provides the Best Business Phone Service in Dallas, Houston, Austin and San Antonio

Texas is an amazing place to do business. That’s why more than 3.1 million businesses are located throughout the state. The DASH cities – Dallas, Austin, San Antonio and Houston – account for nearly a quarter of the state’s entire population. Therefore, doing business in Texas, especially in one of these cities, requires a robust communication backbone. Consider these when choosing the best business phone service provider in your area: Business Phone Service If you are evaluating business phone service providers, you should be looking at voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) for your business phone service. VoIP is a cost-effective way to communicate, requires a minimal upfront capital outlay, and provides the advanced calling features your employees and customers expect. The right business phone service provider will be able to provide you with reliable business phone service without the hassle of maintenance, repairs or downtime, enabling you to better control your costs. If you are still using the local phone company for your phone service, you can reduce your phone-related expenses by 50% or more. The Best Business Phone Service Provider When searching for the best business phone service provider, be sure to consider LOGIX. Let’s look at a few ways that LOGIX provides the best business phone service in Dallas, Austin, San Antonio and Houston. Stellar Reliability If you are considering a national business phone service provider or a cable or residential service provider, these companies typically lease their lines, which make problems more difficult to detect. Efforts to achieve a resolution often turn into a blame game, as different third-party suppliers try to shift the burden to each other to avoid having to fix the problem. Dedicated fiber owned by the business phone service provider is the most reliable solution for business phone service. With more than 300,000 fiber miles, LOGIX has installed the largest privately held fiber network in Texas. If there is ever a problem, it is easy to isolate and fix. LOGIX staffs a Texas-based network operations center to monitor security and performance 24/7 year-round. They typically find and fix problems before they impact customers. That is why LOGIX can guarantee an uptime of 99.999% – less than six minutes of downtime in a year. LOGIX technicians are also based in Texas, so they are nearby in case a problem requires on-site service. Cloud-hosted business phone service also comes with a built-in business continuity plan. If disaster strikes, the provider can route calls to alternate locations or mobile phones so you will not miss a call. If you receive voice messages, they are safe and can be restored easily. High-Quality Business Phone Service Have you ever watched a movie or video online where the audio seems out of sync? If you have, you know it can be frustrating. The same thing can happen with voice calls if you are not using the right business phone service provider. With LOGIX, the days of poor-quality internet phone calls are gone. LOGIX has extremely low latency, which means that there will not be a lag nor a delay when you are talking to someone. Hosted PBX By leveraging the cloud, a hosted private branch exchange (PBX) can connect multiple locations. If you already have a PBX installed at your business, you can still use VoIP business phone service. If you do not – or would prefer not to deal with the hardware and maintenance – there is no reason to worry. LOGIX can deploy a hosted PBX for your Dallas, Austin, San Antonio or Houston business. Remote Connectivity Remote workers require robust mobility to get their work done. Employees who work from home or other locations should be able to access the same advanced calling features as those who work in the office. It is possible to add soft client apps to smartphones, home computers or mobile devices, and give remote workers access to company resources such as auto attendants, caller ID, call waiting, simultaneous ringing and voicemail to text. You can also easily add direct inward dialing, toll-free numbers, video conferencing and other collaboration tools. Flexible Solutions One significant advantage of using VoIP for your business phone service is that it’s highly scalable. LOGIX can create a custom solution whether you are a small business or a large enterprise. Pay for what you currently need and expand or contract as your business evolves. Upgrading or adding additional business phone service in the future is easy, and you do not need to pay for capacity you may never use. LOGIX is Built for Business These are just some of the reasons businesses in Dallas, Houston, Austin and San Antonio choose LOGIX for reliable business internet and business phone service. To learn more about business phone service solutions from LOGIX, call 281-688-6231, or request a quote online.
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