LOGIX FiberPulse Accelerated Business

Guide: Finding the Best Business Internet Provider in Texas

When it comes to business internet service providers in Texas, you have multiple choices. However, not all business internet providers are the same. If you are looking for services or thinking about switching your business internet, do your research and choose the provider that can best serve your needs.

We have all heard horror stories about poor customer service, frustrating slowdowns and lengthy outages. When choosing business internet providers, you need:

  • Exceptional reliability.
  • 24/7 year-round network monitoring.
  • Fast, symmetrical speeds.
  • Friendly, Texas-based customer support.
  • Multiple cloud service options.

Reliability with 24/7 Year-Round Monitoring

Reliability is job one. If you cannot access your business internet, or customers cannot reach you, it can be devastating. With 91% of companies now doing business in the public cloud and 60% of corporate data now stored online, even small disruptions from your business internet service provider can cause significant problems.

LOGIX Fiber Networks is the largest independent fiber network in Texas. Built on a state-of-the-art backbone with Tier-1 internet peering points and multiple fiber rings in major Texas markets, LOGIX provides exceptional reliability, providing 99.999% uptime.

A Texas-based network operations center (NOC) monitors network performance and security 24/7 year-round, and local support crews are nearby in case of any disruption or service needs.

Unlike many other business internet service providers, LOGIX owns its fiber lines. Many cable companies and other regional or national providers lease their lines. If there is a problem, it can be challenging for these companies to determine where the problem is, and who is responsible for fixing it. This can significantly increase downtime. LOGIX can pinpoint problems on its network quickly, often resolving an issue before it impacts your business.

Fast, Symmetrical Speeds

Consistently fast business internet helps keep your organization running smoothly.

LOGIX offers symmetrical, scalable speeds up to 10 Gbps on a 100% dedicated fiber network. Fast, symmetrical speeds enable you to accommodate simultaneous uploads and downloads of heavy internet traffic with optimal throughput, performance and low network latency.

Unlike some other business internet service providers, LOGIX does not have data caps or throttle speeds during heavy times. Because you get dedicated fiber rather than shared lines, you will get consistent speed and performance, even at peak times.

Customer Service

When you need help or there is a problem with your service, you want attentive, responsive and friendly customer service. You do not want to have to deal with someone halfway across the country reading from a script, or navigate through multiple phone trees and support reps to get to the right person.

LOGIX operates a Texas-based customer support center staffed with friendly and knowledgeable customer support experts and technicians to answer your questions and solve your problems.

Multiple Cloud Service Options

The best business internet providers can also provide your business with additional services to save you money, keep your data secure, and make your workplace more efficient.

LOGIX offers enterprise services including:

  • Business Ethernet for high-performance networking.
  • Cloud Connect for private, direct and secure access to cloud service providers (CSPs) such as Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform and most other major CSPs.
  • Business Wavelength for private fiber connections to transport large data volumes and speeds up to 100 Gbps.
  • Business Voice for Voice over Internet Protocol, including voice calling and advanced calling features.
  • Business Voice Cloud, including a powerful, hosted private branch exchange to enable unified communications.
  • Secure access service edge software-designed wide-area network solutions to simplify and secure your network.
  • Data center solutions in Austin, Dallas/Fort Worth, Houston and San Antonio.
  • Connections to nearly 80+ third-party data centers.

Choose LOGIX Fiber Networks

If you are tired of dealing with slow internet speeds, downtime, frustrating response times or rude customer service, consider switching to LOGIX Fiber Networks as your business internet service provider.

LOGIX provides best-in-class network reliability, robust network resiliency, and 24/7 year-round support and monitoring at its Texas-based customer support and NOC.

Contact LOGIX today at 281-688-6283, or request a quote online from our business internet provider specialists.

LOGIX Network Operations Center (NOC) continues to monitor Beryl's impacts to maintain services for our customers in the impacted regions and to act quickly to restore services as needed. To report any service interruptions please submit a ticket via theLOGIX Customer Portal