Headset Purchase

Headset Purchase

Headset Purchase Support and Warranty Terms

Last updated March 8, 2021

LOGIX resells headsets from third-party manufacturers for customer use with LOGIX Business Voice Cloud.

Headsets are supported by the manufacturer. Please refer to the links below for the manufacturer’s warranty and support terms.

Poly Headsets

Headsets manufactured by Poly are subject to warranty terms and conditions as expressed on the following Poly links:

Poly will provide direct support to end-users as it relates to usability and service-related issues. Details with regard to engaging Poly for support can be found at the following Poly links:

Yealink Link

Headsets manufactured by Yealink are subject to warranty terms and conditions as expressed on the following Yealink link:

  • Registration, Warranty Terms and Claim Request: https://ams.yealink.com/search/index
  • Click on “Yealink Limited Warranty for Business Headsets” at the bottom of the page for Warranty Terms
  • Create a Yealink account to register your headset and submit a warranty claim

Yealink will provide direct support to end-users as it relates to usability and service-related issues.  Details with regards to engaging Yealink for support can be found at the following Yealink links: