LOGIX FiberPulse Accelerated Business

How to Make AI Work: People and Connectivity

by Craig Collins, CEO of LOGIX

We live in an age where technological advancements incite both awe and apprehension.

Today, it's not uncommon to encounter voices echoing concern about the future of employment in the face of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Prominent figures like Elon Musk have expressed concerns that AI could lead to massive job displacement; while others, like OpenAI’s Sam Altman view these statements are largely overhyped. Musk's warning paints a picture akin to a science fiction narrative, where humans are overshadowed by their own creations, a modern-day 'Terminator' scenario.

However, this dystopian view may not be the most accurate reflection of AI’s future. Instead, a more fitting analogy could be Tony Stark and his Iron Man suit - a symbiotic relationship  in which man and machine enhance each other's capabilities. AI is not a replacement for human intelligence and ingenuity; it's an extension, a tool that boosts our abilities and productivity.

We have asked the wrong question. Rather than questioning “which jobs will AI replace,” we should find out, “which tasks can be replaced?” In a recent study, Asana found that employees say that 29% of their work tasks are replaceable by AI or some other collaboration tool. I have yet to meet a business leader who doesn’t have a list of to-do’s for the organization that aren’t getting done. AI unleashes untapped time and talent to tackle that list to grow, invent, and adapt.

Let's look at some real-world examples.

In healthcare, AI is revolutionizing diagnostics and patient care. AI algorithms have become invaluable collaborators, working alongside human radiologists to enhance diagnostic accuracy and efficiency. These advanced AI tools can quickly sift through thousands of images, flagging potential areas of concern with remarkable precision. AI acts as a highly efficient assistant, not a replacement.

In the field of customer service, AI-driven chatbots are increasingly prevalent. These bots can handle routine inquiries efficiently, freeing human agents to tackle more complex and nuanced customer needs. They add customer service capabilities to businesses that may have lacked the resources to truly serve customers at the level they expected. This doesn't mean fewer jobs; it means more meaningful and satisfying work for human employees.

In financial services, AI has become an indispensable ally for fraud detection analysts. AI systems can monitor and analyze millions of transactions in real-time, flagging anomalous behavior that could indicate fraudulent activity. These algorithms can detect subtle patterns and correlations that might elude human scrutiny. This capability allows human analysts to concentrate on investigating and addressing the complex and nuanced cases that the AI has identified. The result is a formidable tandem where technology handles the breadth of data, and humans address the depth of investigation.

Even in more creative fields, AI is proving to be a collaborator rather than a usurper. In marketing and design, AI tools can crunch data and generate initial models or ideas, but the final, refined output requires the human touch - a blend of creativity, experience, and intuition that AI cannot replicate.

Inherent in effective and collaborative AI is strong connectivity. Rather than our new overlord boss, AI is really just a very good data filter. It consumes data in small or massive amounts, based on human design, and processes that data into actionable insights or responses. To feed the data to AI, you must have a large enough pipe and reliable connectivity.

As CEO of LOGIX Fiber Networks, I see businesses accommodating this new need every day. They are preparing for the future with more bandwidth, and ensuring that connection doesn't go down. Whether they are treating patients or powering a chatbot, that data stream is fundamental to serving their purpose.

Over my 25-plus years in the technology industry, I have seen time and again new technologies that have transformed the way we operate. Just as the Iron Man suit amplifies Tony Stark's capabilities, AI can amplify human potential. We should embrace AI as a powerful ally, not fear it as an adversary. The future of work with AI is not about replacement; it's about enhancement and collaboration. And it will rely on seamless, uninterrupted connectivity.

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