How to Make Sure Your Business Internet is Ready as Texas Gets Back to Work

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The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted businesses nationwide, including throughout Texas. Between quarantines, closures and working from home, COVID-19 has changed the way many people live. As Texas gets back to work, efficiency and productivity are going to be a priority.

Much business takes place online nowadays, so the cost of downtime is huge. More than 90% of businesses in the U.S. use cloud-based services.

Your business needs reliable business internet to maximize productivity so that it can get back up to speed.


Download the executive report on this page to learn more.


The Best Business Internet Providers in Texas

During the pandemic, consumer habits have changed significantly; more than half (54%) of consumers tried new brands and companies, according to MIT Sloan Management.

This trend gives you the ability to gain new customers if you can provide the level of service they want right now. It can also cause previously loyal customers to shop around. Either way, you must be at your best as businesses open back up.

To ensure that you have business internet that is right for your business, there are four key factors you should examine:

  • Reliability and uptime
  • Overall speed
  • Synchronous uploads and downloads
  • Local customer service.


Download the executive report on this page to learn more.


As Texas gets back to work, you can depend on LOGIX to provide the most robust and reliable business internet.